At the beginning of each semester, we organize a hacking workshop. This semester’s Topic will be “Web”. We will introduce you to finding and exploiting common vulnerabilities which can still be found in today’s modern websites. Therefore we will meet on the 12th and 13th of November. No prior knowledge is required. Simply join our StudOn course for registration and more information.

Hacking is notorious for being evil. But essentially, hacking is about knowing a system, its weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Then, you can use this knowledge to protect the systems under your wing. Besides that, meeting with the FAUST team once a week is fun, finding vulnerabilities together and enjoying free pizza. Since we know the beginning can be challenging, we designed this workshop to get you started.

As already mentioned, no prior knowledge is required. With hands-on exercises, we will guide you from finding your first vulnerability to writing your first exploit. All you need is a Laptop, preferably running a Debian derivative. If you don’t have a laptop, no problem. Grab a friend and participate together, or come along and find a friend on site.

We will start by teaching you Python and some of its libraries. Then, once familiar with that, you will dive into modern websites’ various exploitation techniques and vulnerabilities. In particular, we will ensure you know how to exploit SQL injection, command injection and cross-site scripting.

In between, we will have a lunch break, where you can enjoy pizza and chat with each other. Pizza? Yes, we provide lunch. There will be enough free pizza for everyone.

You can’t make it? Don’t worry. We will upload all slides and publish the challenges in our StudOn course. So make sure to join anyway. Our slides are usually great for self-studying. If you have questions, you can use the forum or participate in our weekly meetings. You can take the date, time and place of our next meeting from our website.

If we sparked your interest, sign up by joining our StudOn course and share it with your friends.

See you at the workshop!

Benjamin Haag and FAUST